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Image by Tim Gouw


Trad-Egal Shtiebel offers traditional egalitarian prayer in a “heimish” (homey) and warm environment. We are a lay-led community with rabbinic support that gathers for spirited davening (prayer), high-quality leining (Torah reading), and building relationships over good food. Our community is founded on the shared values of halacha (Jewish law), engagement with Torah, embrace of people of all genders, and welcome to all.

Our Core Values 

In Action

Say What?


  • Meaningful prayer, Torah, and relationships

  • Commitment to halakha

  • Intentional inclusivity

  • Centering people of all genders and sexualities

  • Supporting community members’ Jewish growth

  • Volunteer leadership

  • Contributing to the ecosystem of Jewish life in Chicago

  • Provide high quality, spirited, halachic, and engaging davening, leining, and drashot, with leadership roles open to Jews of all genders

  • Observe halacha regarding Shabbat, kashrut, liturgy, and other relevant areas

  • Support and welcome community members who are new to traditional practice

  • Assist those who wish to learn to lead davening/leining or to improve ritual skills

  • Create an environment that fosters friendships, relationship building, and mutual support

  • Empower Jews, especially those in their 20s/30s, to serve and contribute to their peers

  • Receive rabbinic guidance and offer rabbinic support for community members as desired through our partnership with Base LNCLN

  • Complement and partner with other Jewish institutions in our neighborhood



  • n. A type of prayer group, service, community, or personal practice where people of all genders participate fully and equally in prayer services or other ritual functions, while maintaining an adherence to traditional liturgy and halachic practice. (For more detail, see our Jewish Policies.) We're trad because we're deeply rooted in Jewish tradition, and we're egal because we think that tradition belongs to and makes demands of everyone who wants in.

Shtiebel (Yiddish: שטיבל)

  • n. Yiddish word meaning "little house",  a home or other multi-use space used for communal Jewish prayer. In contrast to a synagogue, a shtiebel is usually smaller and more informal. To us, Shtiebel reflects our commitment to making Jewish life warm, accesible, and creative.

©2023 by Trad Egal Shtiebel. Proudly created by MasortiX

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